MC9RS08LA8 - Data Sheet
This device has the following features: Up to 20 MHz CPU at 2.7 V to 5.5 V, 8-Bit RS08 (CPU), 8 KB flash read/program/erase, 256-byte random-access memory (RAM), frequency-locked-loop (FLL), Watchdog
MC9RS08LA8 - Data Sheet
This device has the following features: Up to 20 MHz CPU at 2.7 V to 5.5 V, 8-Bit RS08 (CPU), 8 KB flash read/program/erase, 256-byte random-access memory (RAM), frequency-locked-loop (FLL), Watchdog
MC9S08FL16 - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-Bit S08 CPU, 1024-byte RAM, Oscillator, Internal Clock Source (ICS). Covers: MC9S08FL16 and MC9S08FL8.
MC9S08GW64 Series - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-Bit S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU), Random-access memory (RAM), Oscillator (XOSC1), Internal Clock Source (ICS), Breakpoint (BKPT). Covers: MC9S08GW64
MC9S08JE128 Series - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-Bit S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU), 12 KB Random-access memory (RAM), Oscillator (XOSC1), Watchdog computer operating properly (COP). Covers
MC9S08JS16 Series - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-Bit S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU), 256 bytes of USB RAM, MCG (multi-purpose clock generator), USB Bootload. Covers: MC9S08JS16, MC9S08JS8
MC9S08LC60, MC9S08LC36 - Data Sheet
MC9S08LC60 Series MCUs are members of the low-cost, high-performance HCS08 Family of 8-bit microcontroller units (MCUs). All MCUs in the family use the enhanced HCS08 core and are available
MC9S08LG32 Series - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-bit S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU), 1984 byte random access memory (RAM), Low power On-Chip crystal oscillator (XOSC), Internal Clock Source (ICS
MC9S08LH64 Series - Data Sheet
This is the MC9S08LH64 Series Data Sheet set consisting of the following files: MC9S08LH64 Data Sheet Addendum, Rev 1. MC9S08LH64 Series Data Sheet, Rev 6. This MC9S08LH64 has the following features
MC9S08MM128 Series - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-Bit S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU), 12 KB Random-access memory (RAM), Oscillator (XOSC1). Covers: MC9S08MM128, and MC9S08MM64, MC9S08MM32
MC9S08QA4 Series - Data Sheet
This device contains the following features: 8-bit S08 Central Processor Unit (CPU), RAM and flash, Internal Clock Source (ICS), frequency-locked-loop (FLL), ADC 4-channel. Covers: MC9S08QA4