Light position controller
DATA SHEET Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC18 1996 Sep 04 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA3629 Light position controller 1996 Sep 04 2 Philips Semiconductors
Light position controller
DATA SHEET Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC18 1996 Sep 04 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA3629 Light position controller 1996 Sep 04 2 Philips Semiconductors
Very low dropout voltage/quiescent current adjustable voltage regulator
TDA3661 1. General description The TDA3661 is an adjustable voltage regulator with very low dropout voltage and quiescent
Very low dropout voltage/quiescent current 3.3 V voltage regulator
TDA3663 1. General description The TDA3663 is a fixed 3.3 V voltage regulator with a very low dropout voltage and quiescent current
Very low dropout voltage/quiescent current 5 V voltage regulator
TDA3664 1. General description The TDA3664 is a fixed voltage regulator with very low dropout voltage/quiescent current
Very low dropout voltage/quiescent current 3.3 V voltage regulator with enable
TDA3673 1. General description The TDA3673 is a fixed 3.3 V voltage regulator with very low dropout voltage
Low dropout voltage/quiescent current 5 V voltage regulator with enable
TDA3674 DATA SHEET Preliminary specification Supersedes data of 2000 Feb 01 File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 2001 Jan 24
Multiple voltage regulator with power switches
TDA3682 DATA SHEET Product specification Supersedes data of 2000 Nov 20 2002 Mar 11 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA3682 Multiple voltage regulator with power
Brushless DC motor drive circuit
DATA SHEET Product specification Supersedes data of March 1992 File under Integrated Circuits, IC11 June 1994 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Philips Semiconductors TDA5145
Brushless DC motor drive circuit
DATA SHEET Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC11 1998 Oct 27 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA5145TS Brushless DC motor drive circuit 1998 Oct 27 2 Philips
Triple video output amplifier
TDA6107AJF 1. General description The TDA6107AJF contains three video output amplifiers which are intended to drive the three cathodes of a color CRT. The device